Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by SomeHumanPerson »

I really appreciate all of the work you've done on DGDemux over the last few months. I use it almost daily and while I don't use every feature, it's sure nice to know that it can do everything I might need. Not to mention having responsive support if there is a problem.

At this point I've (finally) retired eac3to. It was great back in the day, but madshi moving on to other things (and leaving it on a broken build for UHD-BDs, no less) means it is effectively obsolete. Anything I could do with it, I can now do with DGDemux and ffmpeg. And while MakeMKV can demux, it's really not their focus and nowhere near as convenient as DGDemux.
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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by Rocky »

Thank you for the positive review. The one major thing left to do is DTS Express. It is on my list.
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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by hubblec4 »

I can fully agree with the words of SomeHumanPerson.
eac3to has been the ultimate Blu-ray editing tool for a long time and the only tool I could use to create multi-edition MKV's.

But DGDemux is now the best choice and maybe there is a little tiny chance to get also a Linux version.
This would make cE+DGDemux the first combination that makes it possible to create multi-edition MKVs under Linux.

Added to this is the way you treat us users. You are always friendly and helpful and try to find solutions, that makes everything very pleasant and one is happy to work with you.
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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by Rocky »

hubblec4 wrote:
Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:02 am
I can fully agree with the words of SomeHumanPerson.
Thank you!
eac3to has been the ultimate Blu-ray editing tool for a long time and the only tool I could use to create multi-edition MKV's. But DGDemux is now the best choice and maybe there is a little tiny chance to get also a Linux version.
This would make cE+DGDemux the first combination that makes it possible to create multi-edition MKVs under Linux.
I haven't ruled it out. ;)
Added to this is the way you treat us users. You are always friendly and helpful and try to find solutions, that makes everything very pleasant and one is happy to work with you.
Not so sure about the "always" but it's close. I generally reflect the approach and behavior shown to me. So if I'm being nice and friendly to you that means you are being nice and friendly to me. OTOH, if someone comes in with entitlement, demands, insults implicit or explicit, gaslighting, arrogance, rudeness, bragging, bullying, self puffery, hit-and-run posting, I-can-do-it-better-ism, baffle-them-with-bullshit-ism, spamming, name dropping, attempts to provoke, backstabbing in other venues, etc., then they get short shrift and run into a strong danger that Bullwinkle will get upset.

For friendly and constructive posters such as yourself, we are highly appreciative and grateful, and who knows, you might get an invitation to the Moose Lodge.
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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by Bandits »

I know you have tweaked this option a few time but I don't quite understand the Full setting outputting all 3 streams.

If I am making a Blu-Ray compliant structure, I need the THD+AC3
If I am making a MKV compliant stream I need either THD or AC3 or both separate.

When will I ever need all 3 steams THD+AC3, THD, and AC3. Shouldn't Full be THD+AC3 only? Then THD and AC3, then THD only?

Some would say you would need a 4th option of AC3 core only, but I would never use that option.

I only make Blu-Ray compliant structures and would never need the single streams.
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Feature request: Demux only TrueHD and No THD+AC3 merge

Post by Rocky »

Welcome to the forum!
Bandits wrote:
Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:26 pm
If I am making a Blu-Ray compliant structure, I need the THD+AC3
If I am making a MKV compliant stream I need either THD or AC3 or both separate.

When will I ever need all 3 steams THD+AC3, THD, and AC3?
If you are making both bluray and MKV. ;)

We have so much other more important work to do that the chance of any changes again here are close to zero. Just delete files that you don't need.
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