Sherman my dear,
I hope you and the DG team are doing well?
It seems for my, that it is not very busy at the moment, regarding DG tools for Windows.
Therefore I would like to ask you again, if it is possible to port DGMVCSource to a nativ Linux Vapoursynth plugin, please.
Why do I ask you again!
My Projector is capable to play encoded 3D movies in T&B or SBS format with 59,94fps.
The visual pleasure is much better, as in comparison to a 23,976fps 3D movie.
So I decided to encode my 3D Blurays to 59,94fps, using Vapoursynth-plugin-svpflow for Linux.
My current work flow looks like this.
Win 10:
Pipe a Vapoursynth script with DGMVCSource to x264, using lossless mode (--qp 0).
That creates a huge file, for example a 5 minutes video has 6,3GB file size.
Arch linux:
Indexing the large file with dgindexnv.
Then I use Vapoursynth script with dgdecode and svpflow, to interpolate 23,976fps to 59,94fps.
This work flow creates very good results, but is very time-consuming and needs two encodings, on two different Operating Systems.
If DGMVCSource is available as native Linux Vapoursynth plugin, I could do that in one step on Linux.
AFAIK, the libmfxsw64.so is available in IntelMediaSKD 2018 R1 Linux.
Hope I am not a pain in your neck.
Kind Regards sent from Frankaboy to Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.