There is an error while eac3to is trying to strip superfluous zero bytes in 2nd pass. That happens only when there is a -destpath parameter in eac3to.ini.
Here is a log file:
eac3to v3.51
command line: eac3to audio.thd+ac3 test.flac -removedialnorm
Running in normal mode
Removing dialnorm
TrueHD/AC3, 5.1 channels, 48kHz, dialnorm: -27dB
(embedded: AC3, 5.1 channels, 640kbps, 48kHz, dialnorm: -27dB)
Extracting TrueHD stream...
Removing TrueHD dialog normalization...
Decoding with libav/ffmpeg...
Encoding FLAC with libFlac...
Creating file "E:\Projects\eac3to jobs\test.flac"...
The original audio track has a constant bit depth of 16 bits.
Superfluous zero bytes detected, will be stripped in 2nd pass.
The source file "test.pass1.flac" could not be opened. <ERROR>
The source file "test.pass1.flac" could not be opened. <ERROR>
Unfortunately I have a malfunction in my computer's power supply unit. Had to take it to repairs. Therefore I can't test the new version right now. Repairs may take about a week. I'm sorry
With 3.52 test version my problem was solved. Thank you!
eac3to v3.52
command line: eac3to audio.thd+ac3 test.flac -removedialnorm
Running in normal mode
Removing dialnorm
TrueHD/AC3, 5.1 channels, 48kHz, dialnorm: -27dB
(embedded: AC3, 5.1 channels, 640kbps, 48kHz, dialnorm: -27dB)
Extracting TrueHD stream...
Removing TrueHD dialog normalization...
Decoding with libav/ffmpeg...
Encoding FLAC with libFlac...
Creating file "E:\Projects\eac3to jobs\test.flac"...
The original audio track has a constant bit depth of 16 bits.
Superfluous zero bytes detected, will be stripped in 2nd pass.
Starting 2nd pass...
Decoding FLAC...
Reducing depth from 24 to 16 bits...
Encoding FLAC with libFlac...
Creating file "E:\Projects\eac3to jobs\test.flac"...
The processed audio track has a constant bit depth of 16 bits.
eac3to processing took 25 seconds.
That's great. Thank you for the update. If possible please continue using that version and let me know if you run into any regressions for other things. If all is well after a few days, I'll release it.