I have 2 difficulties

1. I need to convert MP4 to MKV first -- is there a way to avoid the conversion to MKV step?
Code: Select all
eac3to.exe "VFR.mp4"
Running in fast mode
Keeping dialnorm
The format of the source file could not be detected.
MKV, 1 video track, 1 audio track, 4:06:24, 49.998p
1: h265/HEVC, 576p50 (15:11)
2: AAC, 2.0 channels, 48kHz, dialnorm: 0dB
[v01] The video bitstream framerate field doesn't match the container framerate. <WARNING>
Track 2 is used for destination file "out.wav".
[a02] Extracting audio track number 2... [a02] Decoding with DirectShow (Nero Audio Decoder 2)... [a02] Getting "Nero Audio Decoder 2" instance failed. <ERROR> Aborted at file position 3932160. <ERROR>
But I downloaded the older version 3.36 and it works fine.
MKV, 1 video track, 1 audio track, 4:06:24, 49.998p 1: h265/HEVC, 576p50 (15:11) 2: AAC, 2.0 channels, 48kHz v01 The video bitstream framerate field doesn't match the container framerate.
a02 Extracting audio track number 2... a02 Creating file "out.aac"... a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:02:55.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:05:03.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:09:10.
a02 Audio has a gap of 6ms at playtime 0:14:42.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:19:30.
a02 Audio has a gap of 6ms at playtime 0:24:23.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:29:35.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:33:36.
a02 Audio has a gap of 6ms at playtime 0:39:01.
a02 Audio has a gap of 5ms at playtime 0:42:43.
Is this a bug in a version 3.52?