Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

I'm gonna replace the EVGA AIO cooler with a Noctua UH12A air cooler tomorrow on the main machine. Rocky said be careful and make backups first. Don't worry guys. Should be like routine heart surgery right? Even brain.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Should be easy.
Make sure you have the right back plate and retaining ring (Intel hardware) and slam er in
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Did you get it done?
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

Yeah, I did it today after lunch. Everything is fine but Bullwinkle was mad at me because I dropped two nuts, one on the 3090 and one I had to fish for down by the power supply. Protect your nuts at all times! Rocky said nice job.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Sherman wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:55 pm
Protect your nuts at all times!
I'll second that.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Sherman wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:55 pm
Yeah, I did it today after lunch. Everything is fine but Bullwinkle was mad at me because I dropped two nuts, one on the 3090 and one I had to fish for down by the power supply. Protect your nuts at all times! Rocky said nice job.
The blower faces down, so no worries on that one, the other one is no big deal.
They always send extra parts like that.
I dropped a little screw (mobo standoff) that I don't think I have found yet, oh well I will find it eventually (one way or the other}

But Rocky is right, always watch your nuts (when you get older you will understand)
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

gonca wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:23 pm
when you get older you will understand
I get it. If you do not protect your nuts, someone might steal them!

BTW, I equipped only one fan on the U12A. Lots of websites say the gain from the second fan is insignificant and Rocky likes to keep things as quiet as possible. Honestly, we don't have use cases that hammer the CPU that much. So glad to have killed off that AIO. Growling at us, the nerve!
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

I get it. If you do not protect your nuts, someone might steal them!
Yep, that is it
Rocky likes to keep things as quiet as possible
With 2 fans you can slow them down and make it even quieter.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

2 * slow <= 1 * fast ?

It's not too loud right now but even so I was thinking of putting in the resistor thingie. Or set silent mode in BIOS, etc.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Custom fan curve in bios
Or if is an ASUS board use FanXpert I believe, If not ASUS then the equivalent or do it directly in BIOS
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

I chose "silent mode" in the bios. At first I thought it made little difference but then I spotted the "tune all" button, which applied the curve to all the fans, not just the CPU fan. Wow, the box just went dead quiet while keeping temps at around 38 deg C at normal loads. For fun, I tried turning off the CPU fan completely and it went up only to 50 deg C, so the cooler plate, tubes, and fins do a great job just by themselves. I didn't want Winkie to get mad so I left it in "silent mode", rather than 0 RPS. In "silent mode" the PWM is at 20% for light loads (400 RPM).

Now I am going to quiet down the Linux machine too.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Use HWMONITOR to double check all your readings ...
for 64 bit
make sure of your readings (don't want winkle to get mad) and then proceed
Custom fan curve (check under load) might make it quieter
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Sherman »

Nice app, thanks for the link Mr gonca.
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Aleron Ives
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Aleron Ives »

Hey Don, long time no see! I went with Noctua for my CPU and case fans on my current rig, and it was a great decision. They're so quiet, especially compared to my old Dell that sounded like a jet engine all the time. :lol:

It looks like you'be been busy since I last checked in. :o I suspect Boris was against you leaving the Microsoft fold, but I'm excited to see you jumping on the Linux bandwagon.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Greetings, Aleron. Fully agree on the Noctua fans being whisper quiet. Problem for the 7700K machine is that the 2080 Ti is super noisy. The fans cannot be reduced below 41%. I know I can do a BIOS change to an unofficial version but that's not something I take lightly with the non-zero bricking odds.

Not so sure I'd acknowledge a linux "bandwagon". I don't see any indications of significant takeup of the linux versions. e.g., there is feedback from only one person. However, it is an interesting way to pass random time that might otherwise be spent lamenting boredom. :lol: And don't worry, Boris has no technical clout here.

Congrats on your Moose Approval.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Aleron Ives »

Wow! Either I'm feeling elation from being moose approved, or I've located a new supply of upsidaisium! 8-)

I will be checking out the Linux version. I'm still plodding along with my trusty Windows 7 Haswell and GTX 760 rig, but I know it won't last forever. I have no plans to use Windows 10/11 in the future, so my next rig will probably run Linux as the main OS. Having access to your wonderful tools on Linux removes one more big barrier to making the switch.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Bullwinkle »

Not too many people know about Upsidaisium. Hoomins are so shallow these days. Excluding yerself of coarse.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Finally got all the French toast RGB lighting disabled on the 11700K machine. The RAM sticks were the last to fall. The nest is dark at night again. :lol:

I also busted out the front panel glass and replaced it with some nice black mesh grille material. Who in their French toast mind would put a glass plate right in front of 3 intake fans?
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

Rocky wrote:
Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:50 pm
Finally got all the French toast RGB lighting disabled on the 11700K machine. The RAM sticks were the last to fall. The nest is dark at night again. :lol:

I also busted out the front panel glass and replaced it with some nice black mesh grille material. Who in their French toast mind would put a glass plate right in front of 3 intake fans?
Don't forget to use some type of filter mesh, don't want dust bunnies going in to the computer
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Nah, just clean it out regularly. Airflow, baby!
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

6 intake, 3 exhaust in my system
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Sounds good. I ripped off all that plastic micro-mesh crap. Rodents like to gnaw. :o
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

Next step: replace the glass side panel with a black panel. I hate that glassy RGB look. Pragmatic, functional, and industrial all the way for me.
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Guest »

For all that work, just get a new case ... 6811854004 ... 6811854099 ... 6811352085 ... 6811352131 ... 6811352101
These links are from the Canadian Newegg, prices will be lower at the American one
Check the reviews for these cases on Gamers Nexus, you can use you-tube if you wish.
They are very credible and thorough
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Bye bye AIO cooling, you won't be missed

Post by Rocky »

It's not a lot of work and in any case I enjoy my little projects. I'm at the point of $100-200 for a new case and some risky work or $5 for a piece of aluminum. Can't afford the down time right now either since DG cranked up his QM work. But thank you for the links. They will come in handy for the 12900K build.
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