Dup1 - empty log
Dup1 - empty log
Dup1 doesn't generate a log for me. It is created, but it always has length 0.
Any advice?
Dup1 doesn't generate a log for me. It is created, but it always has length 0.
Any advice?
Dup1 - empty log
Sorry, what is dup1?
Are you talking about one of our avisynth filters? If so, which one and what is your script, etc.?
Are you talking about one of our avisynth filters? If so, which one and what is your script, etc.?
Dup1 - empty log
Code: Select all
Dup1 - empty log
Somebody else made that. But I can try to help if you give me the COMPLETE script.
Dup1 - empty log
Code: Select all
AudioDub(LWLibavVideoSource("0. pan-576p.mp4"), LWLibavAudioSource("0. pan-576p.mp4"))
Dup1 - empty log
You need debug=true to get log output.
Dup1 - empty log
Thanks, it works. I thought "debug" was for something else.
Is there an official forum for this plugin somewhere?
Is there an official forum for this plugin somewhere?
Dup1 - empty log
Not that I know of. I don't mind supporting it here.
The debug=true caveat is stated in the Syntax section of your link.
The debug=true caveat is stated in the Syntax section of your link.
Dup1 - empty log
Yes, but it's described as output to another program, so I didn't even look into it. Especially since an empty file was created.
I am looking to contact the author to make some modifications.
Dup1 - empty log
You can try to contact user tartak at doom9 but his last post was in 2015.
As I said I can try to support it. What modifications did you have in mind?
As I said I can try to support it. What modifications did you have in mind?
Dup1 - empty log
Adding the option to replace frames using RIFE. In AviSynth this is easy if you know the frame number, but the idea is to implement this in a plugin that detects duplicates.
Code: Select all
function ReplaceFramesRIFE(clip Source, int N, int X, int "model")
# N is number of the frame in Source that needs replacing.
# X is total number of frames to replace
# e.g. (101, 5) would replace 101,102,103,104,105 , by using 100 and 106 as reference points for interpolation
# requires RGB24, RIFE with models
model = default(model, 41)
Trim(Source, N-1, length=1)+Trim(Source, N+X, length=1)
Rife(gpu_thread=1, model=model, factor_num=X+1, factor_den=1, sc=false)
AssumeFPS(Source.FrameRateNumerator, Source.FrameRateDenominator)
#Subtitle("RIFE", align=5) "" # optional label to verify replacement
Source.trim(0,end=N-1) ++ last ++ Source.trim(N+X,0)
Dup1 - empty log
Nah, not going to integrate that.