[RESOLVED] GTX 950M issue

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[RESOLVED] GTX 950M issue

Post by Phoenix.012012 »


First of all sorry my english if there is some mistakes...

I Just bought the license for DGdecNV and tried it as standalone or whitin STAXRIP as a plugin to AVS and Vapoursynth
My laptop is a HP pavillion gaming i7-6700hq (HD530) / 16Gb ram / GTX 950M
I did a clean install of windows (1909), and using the official Intel and Nvidia drivers (not the HP ones)
I use the latest nvidia driver for win10, the latest DGdecNV (2053 but tried 2052 too and result is same)

I did some screenshots on my laptop to show you errors and settings:

As you can see while I try to read HEVC with DGdecNV, I get this error message :
Error message when opening mkv  with HEVC.jpg
So I did some research inside my laptop to figure out
According to your GPU list inside DGdecNV folder GTX 950M is supported 0x10de:0x139a :
GPU LIST with my GPU.jpg
And according to nvidia control panel my GPU match your informations:
Sys Info NVIDIA 1-2.jpg
Sys Info NVIDIA 2-2.jpg
here on second page ID de périphérique : 10DE 139A

So it seemed to be the same

More research brought me to this :
GPU inside LAPTOP.jpg
where there is a mistake in the code for the GPU

even more weird is the 32bit version of DGindexNV :
GPU inside LAPTOP 32bit.jpg
what's wrong with this code as nvidia control panel report it correctly ?

Last, I tried to play h265 video with MPV (https://mpv.io/) which is known to be one of the best player to properly use GPU capacities
The result is here in the task manager, it uses NVIDIA GPU 25% !
Task Manager While Playing h265 with MPV (GTX950M compatible) 1-2.jpg
Task Manager While Playing h265 with MPV (GTX950M compatible) 2-2.jpg
So is there a way you can help me to make DGdecNV working ?

Hope it's clear and enough to understand
Thanks for your help
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Re: GTX 950M issue

Post by Sherman »

Wow, that's a great report and welcome to the forum. Sadly for you, laptops and mobile devices are not supported:

"Proper support on laptops depends on the laptop manufacturer correctly implementing Optimus switching and other OEM-driver-related requirements. In some cases this support is not properly implemented by the laptop manufacturer. For these reasons, I do not provide support for laptops. DGDecNV may or may not work on any given laptop."

You have feature set E, which theoretically provides hybrid HW/SW support for HEVC. That will suck for any real streams. So don't even bother. If you want to do serious video work, get suitable HW.
Sherman Peabody
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Re: [RESOLVED] GTX 950M issue

Post by Rocky »

If you need a refund, please get in touch.
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