DGDecNV (linux)

DG tools for linux

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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by DJATOM »

In case of expectations for testing from me: I'm in my gf's parents home until the end of month, no access to linux until I will get to my home.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Rocky »

No problem DJ. Thank you for the heads-up. Enjoy your stay.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Rocky »

Released build 229 with the MPLS filler packets fix. Also, I made a new section at my webpage for Linux Tools.


Moved from Gnome 3 to XFCE desktop environment. I like it much better.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by DJATOM »

I'd like to ditch gnome3 and switch to something else, but it's like usually I have no time for that :(
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Rocky »

If an aging squirrel can get it going in 10 minutes, I reckon you can too. ;)
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by DJATOM »

Just tested latest version and it looks fine. Even that last frame glitch didn't appear that time :scratch:
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Post by Rocky »

Great to hear, thank you.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by DJATOM »

Thanks for the update! I don't use mp4/m2v on regular basis so didn't caught any related bugs.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Rocky »

Thank you. Yeah, that's what I figgered. :)

I've tested everything now so should be a decent beta version.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by MeteorRain »

Wow I'm impressed that so many progresses have been made. It's awesome to see tools being ported to Linux.

I personally don't have any Linux boxes that I can test with DG tools (due to not having a graphics card), but if you are interested in creating a Debian package, you can take a look at this directory. That's the Debian packaging script I wrote for lsmash under Linux. If you use cmake toolchains it should work without much change. All you need is to put the debian folder inside your source code, then run debian/rules binary. Of course you'll need to install the devscripts and debhelper if critical tools are missing. If you are interested, I can share some experience about how to create a simple deb package.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Rocky »

Thank you, I appreciate that. Will look into it though it may be overkill.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman :salute: ,
hope you are fine?

You wrote, that you probably will start work on DGDecNV for linux next.
Hope you have time and delight to start in near future with the update of DGDecVN :) .

It would be great, if you implement: 8-)
a) progress of the indexing operation and
b) eliminate report in display area.

(Currently, the display area is reported as the same as the coded frame size in the DGI file).
The crop value for top and bottom must be set to 140, to eliminate the report.
Especially for 16:9 movies without black borders, like "Avatar Way of Water",
cropping leads to a loss of video material.

from vapoursynth import core
source = "/home/frankaboy/Demux_2D/AVATAR_THE_WAY_OF_WATER_00801_PID_1011.dgi"
video = core.dgdecodenv.DGSource(source,show=True,strict_avc=0)
video = core.std.CropRel(video,0,0,140,140)#crop borders: int left=0, int right=0, int top=0, int bottom=0
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Frankaboy, my dear friend and mentor, thank you for your post. You must be older than six and out of elementary school. Lucky you. I am in prison for 7 hours a day. Believe me, it cramps your style.

I have started the upgrade but it will be a bit slow. I have to update 25+ files (maybe more) and I'm targeting one or two files per day. First, I'm on the stupid school bus at 8:02am and then with all the stupid 'homework' my time is limited. Plus I am fixing the Telefunken Concertino 9u, a German radio from 1957.

https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/telefunke ... no_9u.html

So please be patient. After I complete the basic update, I will look at your specific points. You know you can rely on me. BTW, I took 303Vdc across my heart today (right hand to left hand). Twice. But I am still here to tell you about it. I am always going to yank the plug now when working on things. I should be dead, I know.

You're going to be my number one beta tester! :wow:
Sherman Peabody
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman my friend :salute: ,
seems that you are very busy, with all stuff you have to take care for.
I am not in a hurry, please take all time you need to update DGDecNV.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Lucky for me it was DC current. That's why everyone hated Tesla. Still, I calculated the current and I should be dead. I'm talking to Balti about it. He said thank the Lord and do not try Him again. I might not be so lucky next time.

So I was thinking about, you know, the long gloves the ladies wear for cleaning toilets, ovens and stuff. Maybe cut off the tips of the digits for manual dexterity. Looks like a new standard for electrical safety!

We can do a countdown of files.

Current file update status: 1 of 25

Hail to the divine whose wish is my command.
Sherman Peabody
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman my friend,
hope you was able fix the Telefunken Concertino 9u, without further electric shocks? :scratch:
I have laugh out loud, when I read your proposal for new standard for electrical safety. :lol:
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

The last two parts come in tomorrow so if I get them installed without dying then I'll be able to go at DGDecNV linux full bore (after school and home 'work').

Glad you were amused but I was perfectly serious about it! Or maybe these finger condoms could work:

https://www.etsy.com/listing/885847899/ ... ch_click=1
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Guys, I got the last two parts installed and she is sounding sweet! I thought about omitting the audio output plate bypass capacitor, but then I was honest with myself and realized that Telefunken engineers are probably smarter and more experienced than me and I shouldn't try to second guess them. But I just haven't heard of a believable theoretical reason for that cap to be there. Here are the commonly touted reasons:

1. Roll off highs so things don't sound harsh. Can't be the case here because the cap value is too low to do any appreciable roll-off in the audio range, and it doesn't sound harsh without it in any case.
2. Protect the output transformer from transients due to "static crashes". Just not buying that because I never heard a "static crash" on any radio. Also, many many radios do not have this cap and we aren't hearing about output transformers buying the farm en masse. If the radio takes a lightning strike, the output transformer will likely be the least of our worries.
3. To stop ultrasonic "parasitic" oscillations. Well, she was not oscillating and I can't hear ultrasonic, so...

Balti told me it's good to have a healthy skepticism about things. However, just on the off chance there is something to theory 2, I did re-install the cap.

Now, Winkie wants me to fix two mechanical issues and then I can button it up and call it done. When it's done I'm gonna take it to school for show-and-tell. Gonna try not to kill anyone.

So maybe back to linux stuff tomorrow. Thank you for your flatulence, I mean patience.
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Post by Curly »

Every sentence must be 10 words or less, knerk knerk.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Britney »

What would happen if your sentence has more than 10 words?
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Lulz. Albert said it best:

"It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience."

If you want to condense that for low IQ types, you can say it like this: Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Back on topic, I resolved the mechanical issues (tone button contacts and FM pointer) and any minute now I'm going to put the chassis back in and button things up. Rocky did politely ask me to check out the tape and phono inputs and figure out how to add bluetooth. Should be a Curly-level job, but OK.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman my friend, :salute:
congratulations to the successful repair of the Telefunken radio.
Seems you have a lot of talents.
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

:salute: Frankaboy! Britney was asking me about you.
Sherman Peabody
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman my friend,
hope you are fine. :scratch:
May you can inform me, regarding the progress for update dgdecnv, please.
Regards to Britney. ;)
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DGDecNV (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Hi Frankaboy.

No progress so far. I talked about this with Rocky and he thinks because the bases have diverged so much that instead of a big bang I should just port the relevant new features. It makes sense to me. In any case, however, I first have to fix CL parsing for spaces in filenames.

Now I put you on the spot. What features in priority order are you missing that make you press for an update? Secret info: I have the list of all features added that are not audio or demux-related. ;)
Sherman Peabody
Director of Linux Development
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