Logo Filter for VirtualDub

This filter provides the ability to overlay a logo contained in a bitmap file. The position of the bitmap may be specified. Selectable alpha blending allows variable merging with the video, and a transparent color may be selected to obtain a free-floating effect. An animated logo can be made by creating a series of bitmaps. Filter preview is supported.

This filter is ideal for unobtrusively placing a logo on the video as is done on many cable TV channels.

Test bitmaps are provided in the zip file. Also, an animated sequence demonstration is provided in a separate zip file.

Version 1.7 is the latest available version. It works correctly with random frame access, as when scrolling on the timeline, stepping backward, etc. The filter now supports an alpha mask BMP in addition to transparent color. Also, the code was overhauled so that it now much simpler, more logical, and easier to modify.

Version 1.7 [Source code]

Animated rotating earth demo (1.1MB).

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