Slipstream for DGDecNV build 250:
* Added missing log file fields compared to the Info dialogs.
* Changed the order in the log file to match the Info dialogs.
* Do not automatically close/reopen the Info dialog at the start of save project,
and do not clear any Info dialog fields at the end of save project. This ensures
a good match between the log file and the Info dialog.
* For HEVC, the Info dialog field order field was not populated for Progressive.
* For VC1, a guess is made for colorimetry when it is not specified in the
stream. An * is used to show it is a guess. This is done because all VC1
streams we have seen do not specify the colorimetry in the stream, and
it is better to show something rather than nothing.
* Note on log contents: If you want to be sure that the log file shows
all fields, such as bitrate, etc., perform a preview for a few seconds
before performing a save project operation. This is just a reminder
and does not indicate any change in behavior.