Tools and Utilities
eac3to is a madshi-approved fork of eac3to. It fixes
HEVC/UHD disk processing and other things.
DGMVCCombine is a stand-alone MVC streams combiner. It combines
two separate base and dependent MVC streams into a single combined MVC stream that is accepted by the
Intel Media SDK.
DGPulldown is an MPEG2 flagging utility that
can "flag" the video such that a PAL to NTSC conversion occurs during playback. This
means you can leave the video encoded at 25fps progressive, providing better
quality for the same bit budget and avoiding any need to modify the audio duration.
QuantDump is a small command line utility for extracting the
quant matrices from MPEG elementary or program streams.
Level Patcher is a GUI utility that allows you to patch an MPEG2
elementary stream so that it has a specified profile and level. I made this because some freeware MPEG2 encoders
could encode in HD resolution but did not set the level to High, thereby making the stream unplayable in
some players.
DGAVCPulldown is a GUI utility for adding 3:2 field pulldown to AVC elementary streams. Includes source code.
DGSplit is a GUI binary file splitter that works on arbitrarily large files.
For people who need to deinterlace stills, I have created two tools:
- Stand-Alone Smart BMP Deinterlacer This is a command-line program that operates on 24-bit BMP files, and supports batch mode.
I have provided this in response to several requests for
deinterlacing of a non-lossy format. Future versions may add a GUI. Source code is included in
the zip file.
- Stand-Alone Smart JPG Deinterlacer This is a GUI-based program that operates on JPEG files.
In addition to my filters above I have also modified Steven Don's Dynamic
Noise Reduction filter to support scripts:
I've also modified Avery Lee's popular WarpSharp filter to work when imported into Avisynth:
Here is a useful utility called DebugView that allows for viewing filter tweaking
information that is output by some of my filters: